Presentation at Joint SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference on Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures

Ayse Kaplan Sarisaltik has delivered a presentation and a paper entitled: Leverage points for reducing the consumption of plastics – social practices as a starting point for systemic design (co-authored by supervisors Marie Hebrok and Tore Gulden).


This paper reflects on the combination of theoretical and methodological resources from the sociology of consumption, systems thinking, and systemic design. The framework discussed in this paper is developed as part of the REDUCE research project, which focuses on identifying paths toward reducing plastic consumption. By utilizing diverse data collection methods, including focus groups, interviews with the generation of system maps, and a workshop, the study investigates different approaches to discussing plastic consumption. The findings presented in this article show the potential of combining social practice theory and systemic design resources. This combination offers a new framework for understanding production and consumption systems and identifying points of intervention for change. While the study focuses on plastic consumption, the proposed framework could be applied to other consumption-related domains and beyond.

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