Project work packages

In WP4 future scenarios incorporating new products, services and systems reducing plastic dependency will be created by applying a triangulation of methods. Firstly, Backcasting, the setting of a normative goal and a step by step plan on how to reach the goal, for example staging a life with no plastic. Secondly, Norm-critical design, creation of discursive “design things”, that is, products, services and scenarios that challenge the plastic norm and show alternative ways to perform everyday tasks, which will raise awareness of plastic in everyday life; thirdly, Designerly living labs, a real life prototype of a normative solution to explore these products, services and systems in everyday life during a longer period of time. The scenarios will be visual and tangible through the production of physical prototypes, installations, films, and other means of communication and visualisation. They will be exhibited at a REDUCE exhibition at DOGA in Oslo and at a suitable venue in Stockholm.