REDUCE workshop to transfer results from WP2/3 to WP4 Future Scenarios

Opening and Project Overview

Project leader Marie Hebrok initiated the meeting with a warm welcome and provided a brief summary of the project’s activities to date. She also presented an overview of the project plan. A special welcome was extended to Julian Besson from KTH, who has recently joined the project.

Work Package 2 (WP2)

Nina Heidenstrøm was absent due to illness, so the recap of the 2023 poster session was removed from the agenda. Instead, Kirsi Laitala, Ingrid Haugsrud, and Tone Rasch presented object stories from WP2.

  • Kirsi Laitala discussed the evolution of the fleece jacket, highlighting the shift from natural to synthetic materials, specifically oil-based plastics. She noted the downcycling of plastic bottles into fleece jackets marketed as sustainable fashion, despite potential greenwashing.
  • Ingrid Haugsrud shared the history of Lego, illustrating its transition from wood to plastic. She pointed out the change from a flexible, all-round system of bricks to more gender-specific collections, which reduce flexibility. Tore also emphasized Lego’s powerful marketing strategy, integrating storytelling into children’s cartoons to create demand.
  • Tone Rasch examined the rise and fall of nylon stockings, demonstrating how plastics have decreased the value of everyday products. She contrasted the shift from natural silk to nylon, from elegant to single-use items, and highlighted the loss of repair traditions due to plastics. The presentations aimed to explore how plastics have permeated everyday life and the resultant problems.

Work Package 3 (WP3)

Ayse Kaplan Sarisaltik presented the status of her PhD project, «A Systemic Approach to Sustainable Plastic Consumption in Everyday Life Practices.» She discussed key findings related to stakeholders’ understanding of menstruation practices and proposed interventions. Topics included taboos around blood handling in public spaces, the importance of knowledge, and the role of responsible consumer choices. Detailed documents will be uploaded to a Teams folder as input for WP4.

Work Package 4 (WP4)

Since WP4 has not yet commenced, there are no concrete plans beyond the project description. Planning will begin in the fall of 2024. WP4 aims to produce films showcasing real people interacting with objects in everyday life, with the goal of provoking new ways of thinking about plastics and increasing knowledge and reflection on the issue. Potential objects for the exhibition may be created and combined with film.

Ideas and Next Steps

Several ideas were briefly discussed:

  • Intervening in misconceptions, such as the sustainability of recycled bottles in fleece jackets.
  • Using historical trajectories from WP2 to explore futures through backcasting.
  • Exploring intervention points suggested in WP3.

Action Items:

  1. Create folders on Teams with input from WP1, WP2, and WP3 for WP4.
  2. Plan a new workshop to discuss and select central themes for WP4 based on results from WP1, WP2, and WP3. The tentative date is October 21-24, in the context of the RSD conference in Oslo.
  3. Set up a meeting with WP1 to transfer results and discuss with WP4, preferably in September 2024.

Visual systems mapping workshops in WP3 Systemic Design

Ayse Kaplan Sarisaltik has conducted two workshops at the conferences Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD12), and the 5th PLATE Conference.

RSD12: Kaplan Sarısaltık, A. (2023). Unlocking Possibilities: Rethinking Plastic Hygiene Products through Systemic Design and Social Practice Theory. 

PLATE: Kaplan Sarısaltık, A. (2023). Reducing Plastic Consumption in Daily Life Practices by Applying Systemic Design Approach. 

The workshops employed semi-structured interviews combined with system map creation to explore the topic. Participants from diverse backgrounds, including consumers, business representatives, researchers, and association members, were involved to provide a range of perspectives. The research focused on plastic consumption in the contexts of menstruation hygiene and leisure activities such as hiking. To capture detailed insights, video and voice recordings were used during the interviews.

Presentation at Joint SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference on Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures

Ayse Kaplan Sarisaltik has delivered a presentation and a paper entitled: Leverage points for reducing the consumption of plastics – social practices as a starting point for systemic design (co-authored by supervisors Marie Hebrok and Tore Gulden).


This paper reflects on the combination of theoretical and methodological resources from the sociology of consumption, systems thinking, and systemic design. The framework discussed in this paper is developed as part of the REDUCE research project, which focuses on identifying paths toward reducing plastic consumption. By utilizing diverse data collection methods, including focus groups, interviews with the generation of system maps, and a workshop, the study investigates different approaches to discussing plastic consumption. The findings presented in this article show the potential of combining social practice theory and systemic design resources. This combination offers a new framework for understanding production and consumption systems and identifying points of intervention for change. While the study focuses on plastic consumption, the proposed framework could be applied to other consumption-related domains and beyond.

Newsletter 2023/02

Film from the gathering June 8th. Produced by LOOP – contact: Mari Tjora.

Nyhetsbrevet på norsk

Work is progressing in the REDUCE project, and on June 8th, we had a large gathering with many of the partners where we discussed preliminary findings from the various work packages. We have conducted focus groups with consumers, analyzed how the plastic problem is discussed politically, and developed methods to map the systems in which plastic is involved. During the gathering, we generated new perspectives in several workshops. Present were LOOP, KTH, BIR, The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, ULU of Norway, Friends of the Earth Norway, Consumption Research Norway (SIFO/OsloMet), and the Institute of Product Design (OsloMet). This newsletter summarizes some of the discussions we had.

We discussed the ambiguity of plastic as both dangerous and protective. It protects us from the unpleasant and from infection, but at the same time, it is dangerous to us when it ends up in the environment and finds its way into our bodies. Furthermore, we delved into issues related to conscience and responsibility regarding handling plastic products. Many consumers feel guilty about their plastic consumption but find it difficult to do anything about it. Much of the responsibility falls on women. They desire systems that facilitate better opportunities to reduce consumption.

Politically, we have identified different ways in which plastic has been discussed as a problem in the last decades. Initially, plastic littering was highlighted as a visual problem, which led to a focus on the need to collect and recycle plastic. Thus, plastic waste became a valuable resource for recycling companies in line with the principles of a circular economy. Today, the issues related to plastic in the oceans and microplastics have become central in the debate, connecting plastic to the health and livelihood of humans and animals. In the ongoing work towards a global plastic agreement, there is a move toward curbing production, shifting the focus from managing already produced plastic to reducing production volumes. We believe that the new connection between health and plastic through microplastics may have contributed to this shift. The focus on the plastic problem as a littering problem diverts attention from health and volume and directs it toward consumers. Furthermore, municipalities are blamed for capacity issues in waste management. However, it now seems the EU is redirecting attention to the plastic industry. So, what about the perspective of the plastic industry? It projects high growth curves and engages in lobbying activities against threatening regulations from the EU.

At the same time, it is politically challenging to find tools with significant effects in a world where consumer needs have become what governs and legitimizes all new products. In Sweden, the plastic tax on plastic bags, which now costs 7 NOK, has caused outrage, and the new government plans to remove it. The extensive attention given to plastic bags can easily result in little more than greenwashing while shifting the focus away from the plastic industry’s responsibility. Additionally, plastic is associated with a cheap lifestyle, and not everyone can afford to avoid plastic, which can also lead to a class discussion. Simultaneously, plastic-free trends may result in many of the existing plastic products being replaced and ending up in the trash. So why don’t we just ban the most harmful plastics? To some extent, we have done so with single-use products in the food service industry, but this only applies to a fraction of all plastic products. We managed to ban smoking in public places with the help of smoking laws, so why not plastic? Perhaps because we don’t have good enough alternatives where the product did not exist before.

The plastic problem is, in this way, a complex problem where it is not enough to pull on one end of the tangle without investigating what may tighten elsewhere as a result. We must consider feedback mechanisms. Therefore, the systemic perspective in the project is so important. Through systemic design, we develop ways to understand the systems in which plastic consumption is involved to find points of influence for change. During the gathering, we all engaged in collaborative system mapping and reflection. By working together to identify and analyze complex systems, we could explore different understandings of plastic consumption and identify potential intervention points. The insights that emerged will be further utilized in the project.

In the next semester, we will conduct a netnography in which we aim to study how frontrunners reduce their plastic consumption. In this context, we define a frontrunner as a person who is particularly concerned with reducing their plastic consumption and makes an extraordinary effort to achieve it. This involves developing and using strategies, doing things differently, enduring disadvantages, perhaps sacrificing something, and maybe paying more, to be able to reduce their plastic consumption. The person has an above-average level of knowledge about plastic and sees it as an environmental problem. The person communicates about plastic through social media, books, or other channels that reach people, with the purpose of encouraging others to reduce their plastic consumption as well. The person may engage in work that contributes to plastic reduction, either as an employee or as an entrepreneur. We will also continue the systemic mapping of plastic consumption and further develop the methods for this.

The next major gathering will be in 2024, but we will stay in touch until then. Many of you have contributed through participation in interviews, input, and discussions, providing case studies for students, as well as writing, research, and consultancy work this year. Thank you!

The REDUCE team at SIFO wishes everyone a wonderful summer!

REDUCE at EU Design Days

Julia Jacoby presenting REDUCE

REDUCE was presented to an international audience at the EU Design Days in Brussels June 10th by head of studies Julia Jacoby. The event is an initiative of the ERRIN Design & Creativity Working Group, which aims at promoting design and creativity as tools for innovation. Project leader Marie Hebrok was there as part of a group from the Department of Product Design and the Section for Research and Development at OsloMet. We were excited to be joined by the Research Director of OsloMet Yngve Foss. Marie also participated in a workshop on multi-stakeholder roleplaying for the Green Competences based on the GreenComp report.

Jostein Kandal Sundet, Nenad Pavel, Zacharias Andreadakis, Julia Jacoby, Marie Hebrok, Arild Berg, Yngve Foss.

We need to talk about plastics


At Kulturhuset in Oslo on April 21st , we met to talk about plastics. Participating in the workshop were the project partners from business and other organizations and OsloMet researchers from SIFO and the Department of Product Design. In particular, we were going to talk about the scope of plastic products in everyday life. What do we surround ourselves with every day, which is not packaging, but still made of plastic? What role do these products play in our lives? What is visible and invisible plastic? Where does plastic make sense and where is it superfluous? What political processes and ways of talking about plastic affect consumption? And how would we do without plastic? These questions are at the heart of our research project REDUCE.

Researchers are now calling for a cap on global plastic production. «It is the only thing that works,» says Martin Wagner at NTNU. We must therefore reduce the amount of plastic that is produced, in order to be able to cope with the environmental and health problems associated with plastic products. If you have followed the plastic theme in the media and in political discussions so far, the impression is probably that plastic is primarily packaging and disposable products, such as straws, bags, q-tips, cups and cutlery – that the plastic problem equals plastic in the sea – and that the solution is recycling. Of course, these products and the environmental problems they cause in the ocean are a huge problem, and a very visible one. In the REDUCE research project, we are concerned with the more invisible plastic, which surrounds us in almost everything we do, but which we do not notice as much, and which does not create as much media attention. There are products that cannot be recycled, such as clothes, toys, various sports and children’s equipment and menstrual products. The large amount of plastic in these products leads to problems with micro-plastics, leakage of chemicals, large amounts of waste and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions are constantly increasing because low value and short lifespans lead to overproduction and overconsumption. The bottom line: we need to find better ways to use plastic.

We look at plastic consumption as built into today’s consumption system – and reducing plastic as a systemic design challenge. Therefore, we are more concerned with the preconditions for plastic consumption than we are with consumer power and consumer responsibility. If everything is set up for increased plastic consumption – and the alternatives do not exist or create economic and practical disadvantages – we cannot expect the individual to be the primary driver for change. The change must take place on many levels simultaneously in the system.

This day dedicated to talking about plastics finally gave us the opportunity to be in the same room and get to know each other. There were many interesting conversations during the day that gave us new ideas for collaboration opportunities.

We are looking forward to the continuation.

Here is more on what we talked about during the workshop:

Strategies for reducing the consumption of plastics

Plastics & Everyday life

Plastics & Politics

What if…?

REDUCE kick-off meeting

The REDUCE consortium gathered for the first time on Zoom on the 11th of February 2022. We had an inspiring day of listening to and discussing each others perspectives and experiences, and are looking forward to embarking on the numerous tasks of REDUCE. This was our agenda: